From 12 September until 2 October, all Tallinn residents are invited to submit proposals about projects to be funded by the Tallinn participatory budget 2023.
To promote separate collection of bio-waste, the City of Tallinn will provide residents of detached houses, semi-detached houses, terraced houses and two-apartment houses with home composters and collection containers on preferential terms. Applications will be accepted from 15 September until composters and bins are available.
Deputy Mayor Tanel Kiik, responsible for transportation in Tallinn, introduced options and primary considerations for alternatives for the construction of the Järve-Pelguranna-Liivalaia tramway today at a seminar organised by the Tallinn City Council.
The Tallinn City Government today discussed energy cost saving plans for Tallinn's institutions and public services. The aim is to save at least 10 per cent in energy consumption compared to the previous period.
A total of 415 ideas for improving city life in the coming year were submitted by Tallinn citizens to the Tallinn participatory budget call for ideas, with the highest number of proposals intended to improve the areas of youth, sports and leisure.
On Wednesday, 5 October, the mayors of the Nordic and Baltic capitals met online to discuss the education of children of Ukrainian war refugees and assistance to Ukrainian cities.
On Monday, 10 October, Pronksi street will be closed to traffic in both directions from Narva mnt to Raua street due to reconstruction works. The intersections of Narva mnt - Pronksi and Raua - Pronksi will remain open to traffic.
Tomorrow, 13 October, construction work will begin in the Seli forest, which was cleaned up this spring, during which the Seli forest will be transformed into a safe family park.