Tallinn’s year as the European Capital of Sport in 2025 brings a sports program offering residents the opportunity to explore various sports throughout the year. January is dedicated to skiing, and on January 18, the Song Festival Grounds will host a skiing day, followed by the festive opening of the sports year.
Government of Tallinn corporate telephone directory (Find city officials by name or through administration structure) City Office service bureau - 640...
In 2025, Tallinn’s property management priorities will focus on improving the energy efficiency of apartment buildings and enhancing municipal properties. The city’s budget allocates €45.5 million for operational costs and €22.6 million for investments in this sector.
The reconstruction of the section between Ehte Street and Kolde puiestee in Põhja-Tallinn has been completed. New, wide sidewalks and improved street lighting were built around Ehte School to enhance safety for students and local residents.