NB! Currently important: The new development strategy "Tallinn 2035" has been adopted in December 2020. The development strategy is published in a web...
Have you noticed how our city is getting cosier, more comfortable and greener? Many of the developments have been made possible thanks to various international projects that help make Tallinn more sustainable and improve the quality of everyday life.
Waste management is developed on the basis of the national waste plan and the Tallinn waste management plan . The state and city waste plan deals with...
Spatial planning procedures and timelines Abb: DP - detailed plan for a project DUP - Department of Urban Planning EXECUTIVE BODY PROCEDURE DURATION...
The Tallinn City Council Archive (the Tallinn magistracy archive) contains documents from 1237 to 1889. The oldest and best-known part of the Council...
To ensure environmentally friendly disposal of old Christmas trees, Tallinn has opened 83 collection points where residents can drop off their trees free of charge. Trees can also be taken to waste stations or have them picked up by the local waste management service.