Ensuring of maintenance of historical parks and finding of doers. The service covers Kadrioru park, the green area in Harju street, Kalamaja cemetary...
15-16 October 12:00-20:00 you can vote only in the polling places of the electoral district of your residence. This means that for example, a voter in...
During the Christmas and New Year weeks, Tallinn residents with health concerns can visit hospital emergency departments, Tallinna Hambakliinik (Tallinn Dental Clinic), on-call pharmacies, or contact the Family Doctor Advice Line.
Tallinn’s year as the European Capital of Sport in 2025 brings a sports program offering residents the opportunity to explore various sports throughout the year. January is dedicated to skiing, and on January 18, the Song Festival Grounds will host a skiing day, followed by the festive opening of the sports year.
Ball game courts Ristiku Basic School basketball court Ristiku 69 Contact Ristiku Basic School to inquire about the availability of the court Stroomi...