Approval of plans and projects Home Service Approval of plans and projects Transport-related plans and projects need to be coordinated with the city beforehand. It is important for establishing a secure traffic space near...
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Home Governance Institutions Departments Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Address Mündi 2, 15197 Tallinn Phone +372 645 7191 E-mail Registry code 75014913 Head of Department, Jaan Tarmak Tallinn’s...
Immediate information on traffic Home Service Immediate information on traffic Information on closed-off roads and streets, traffic rearrangement and detour routes.
Video system for traffic Home Service Video system for traffic Organisation and development of video monitoring system (online cameras on intersections and online cameras in parks and online travel cameras) for...
Granting permits for working on immovable monuments and heritage conservation areas Home Service Granting permits for working on immovable monuments and heritage conservation areas To work on monuments, their protected zones or within heritage conservation areas, a permit must be applied for from the Heritage Protection...
Night work permit Home Service Night work permit According to the Law Enforcement Act, power of authorisation for permits for producing excessive noise and light effects as well as pollution is held...
Intelligent traffic signs Home Intelligent traffic signs Tallinn is a great testing ground for new innovative solutions. The Smart Pedestrian Crosswalk (SPC) is a smart traffic sign, which can be used...
Granting permits for the conservation or restoration and modifying preservation conditions for movable monuments (art monuments) Home Service Granting permits for the conservation or restoration and modifying preservation conditions for movable monuments (art monuments) If an art monument requires conservation/restoration or its appearance needs to be altered for any other reason, it is necessary to obtain a permit...
Reporting a broken traffic control device Home Service Reporting a broken traffic control device If you notice broken or malfunctioning traffic control devices (such as traffic lights, traffic signs, electronic information displays, the posts...
Processing of applications and proposals - traffic Home Service Processing of applications and proposals - traffic Traffic applications, proposals and complaints will be reviewed, settled and answers given within 30 days.