Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...
The City of Tallinn is launching a pilot project to provide nightlife venues with GHB rapid tests to promote safer nightlife. A total of approximately 2,000 tests will be distributed.
In Estonian Järgnevatel muuseumipühapäevadel on linnamuuseumi filiaalides vajalik eelregistreerimine . Pealinn, 11. jaanuar 2023 Tallinna kultuurielus...
Construction of the Lasnamäe Circular Economy Center is set to begin soon, following a construction agreement signed by Tallinn Property Department, Tallinn Circular Economy Center, and Fund Ehitus OÜ. This will be Tallinn's second purpose-built circular economy center, aimed at helping residents manage waste closer to home and in a more environmentally conscious way.
The Tallinn Strategic Management Office will conduct a survey in August among night bus users to determine their expectations and preferences regarding the service. The results will aid in better understanding the typical profile of a night bus user, evaluating the outcomes of the pilot project and planning the future use of night buses.
Night buses will continue to operate in Tallinn until at least the end of the year. Starting from November 1, departure days and times will be adjusted based on when the service has the most users.
In October, as part of the URBACT program, representatives of the Cities After Dark network from Braga visited Tallinn to meet with representatives of the city's nightlife sector and discuss future cooperation.
The first transnational meeting of the 'Cities After Dark' network within the URBACT program took place on November 13-15 in Braga, Portugal, bringing together experts and leaders from various cities to discuss innovative strategies related to the nightlife of cities.
Tallinn's Mayor, Mihhail Kõlvart, and Tallinn’s Dean Jaak Aus will light the first advent candle on the Christmas tree at Raekoja Square on Sunday, December 3, at 4:00 PM.
Following the success of Tallinn's night bus pilot project this year, the city has announced that night buses will now operate year-round, including new routes to Nõmme and Viimsi. Adjustments to existing routes will also be implemented, enhancing accessibility for more passengers.