The City Archives are located on Tolli Street, on the northern edge of the Old Town near St. Olaf’s Church (Oleviste kirik) – see the Tallinn digital...
The City Archives are located on Tolli Street, on the northern edge of the Old Town near St. Olaf’s Church (see the Tallinn digital map at /eng/kaart...
The annual Tallinn Day opened Saturday morning with the traditional meet-up of Tallinn Mayor and Prime Minister at the Lühike Jalg gates in the Old Town.
In connection with the alleviating of corona restrictions, it will be possible to visit several museums in Tallinn again this week and see both reopening and brand new exhibitions. It is required to wear a mask and follow the 2+2 rule when visiting museums, and there is a 25% occupancy restriction in force in the exhibition halls.
From March, visitors will be able to visit Tallinn’s museums for free on the first Sunday of every month. The Museum Sundays with free admission is a practice common to many cities in the world.
The Patkuli stairway, connecting the Lower Town of Tallinn with the northern side of the Toompea stronghold, will be closed from Monday 6 June until 27 June due to the restoration works of the Toompea’s lower retaining wall.