General Information Home General Information General Information Tallinn Centre District was created 4th of March 1993, when Tallinn City Council adopted decree which divided capital to eight...
Parking Home Services Transport Parking Here you can find information about paid parking in Tallinn. Where and when do you have to pay for parking? How can you pay for parking using your...
Most significant parks of Tallinn Home Services Culture, Sport and Leisure Leisure Most significant parks of Tallinn In Tallinn, there are dosens of parks green areas from tiny Green Market in Lai Street to the great Kadrioru Park that lays over the area of 85...
AGENDA Home AGENDA Wednesday, 24th March 16.00 - 18.00 Advisory Board meeting (venue: Tallinn City Residency, Roosikrantsi st. 4B ) 19.00 - 21.00 Welcome reception...
Marriage registration at the Tallinn Vital Statistics Department Home Marriage registration at the Tallinn Vital Statistics Department The process of entering into marriage involves: submitting a marriage application; contracting the marriage in the presence of a vital statistics...
Advance voting in the polling places of the district centres Home City Council Elections Advance voting in the polling places of the district centres 11-14 October 12:00-20:00 you can vote in the following polling places in Tallinn: Haabersti District polling place no. 7 – Rocca al Mare Shopping...
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Home Governance Institutions Departments Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Address Mündi 2, 15197 Tallinn Phone +372 645 7191 E-mail Registry code 75014913 Head of Department, Jaan Tarmak Tallinn’s...
Advance voting in all polling places Home City Council Elections Advance voting in all polling places 15-16 October 12:00-20:00 you can vote only in the polling places of the electoral district of your residence. This means that for example, a voter in...