Changes to the public transportation routes in Tallinn during construction works on Põhja puiestee and Mere puiestee between 03.05.2024 and 05.05.2024...
Tallinn Environmental Department organises random measurements to monitor the level of ambient air pollution. There are three monitoring stations for...
Kalev I ja Kalev II terminal Bus: 5, 14, 18, 20, 20A, 36 Tram: 3 ja 4 During the morning rush hour, there are 40 departures per hour from the terminal...
Education-related services aimed at young people : A place in a school for students The guaranteeing of student places for children attending grades 1...
Tallinna Vesi will install a stormwater drainage system, Utilitas will upgrade the district heating network, and the city will widen sidewalks, implement traffic-calming measures, and reconstruct street lighting. The goal of these upgrades is to make Salme Street more accessible and safer, particularly for children and the elderly.