All clean and intact items, clothes, textiles, etc. are accepted for reuse. Items can be taken to reuse centres , public waste bins in urban areas or...
During the last two weekends of October, residents of Tallinn can once again give away hazardous waste free of charge. On October 23, hazardous waste are collected in Kesklinn and Lasnamäe, on October 24 in Kristiine and Põhja-Tallin, on October 30 in Pirita and Mustamäe, and on October 31 in Haabersti and Nõmme.
SA Tallinna Kultuurikatel received the internationally known ecolabel Green Key, which lets visitors know that the company’s activities are environmentally friendly.
Tallinn Marathon will draw around 20,000 sports enthusiasts from over 70 countries to the districts of Põhja-Tallinn, Kesklinn, and Haabersti from 8 to 10 September. This will lead to temporary changes in Tallinn's traffic and public transport.