Toompuiestee 35, 10149 Tallinn Phone +372 640 4618 E-mail Registry code 75028252 Head of Department Indrek Gailan Tallinn Transport...
Address Juhkentali tn 12, 10132 Tallinn Sports Unit Juhkentali tn 12, 10132 Tallinn Culture Unit Vabaduse väljak 10, 10146 Tallinn Phone +372 640 4585...
In order to build , rebuild or demolish a building (facility or property), it is usually necessary to apply for a building permit or submit a building...
Culture and creativity play an important role in Tallinn’s development. As a former European Capital of Culture in 2011 and as a UNESCO World Heritage...
Estonian legal system is based on the continental European model. The new Commercial Code was adopted on 15 February 1995 and has been effective since...
The electronic communication should be used instead of direct contact in population register proceedings. Issuance of a personal identification code...
City Enterprise Servise is a department of Tallinn Strategic Management Office. Contact address: Kaarli pst 1 / Roosikrantsi 2 10119 Tallinn Estonia...