Members of the Culture and Education Commission 1 Tarmo Lausing - Chairman 2 Märt Sults – Vice-Chairman 3 Paul Alekand 4 Maria Beljatskaja 5 Vladimir...
Members of the City Property Commission 1 Leonid Mihhailov - Chairman 2 Deniss Boroditš – Vice-Chairman 3 Peep Aaviksoo 4 Maria Beljatskaja 5 Nikolai...
The Tallinn Philharmonic Society is a concert organisation located in Tallinn Old Town in the historic House of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads on...
Winter season in the capital offers several fun sporting activities. This year's ice rinks and skiing trails in Tallinn are already open or about to...
According to the weather forecast, heavy snow and sleet are expected to reach southern Estonia after midnight, quickly spreading north. Blizzards are likely in some areas, creating hazardous driving conditions. The City of Tallinn is on high alert to ensure snow clearing and de-icing operations are carried out effectively.