The second day of the Tallinn Day program, 14 May, will be dedicated to the city districts, which will organize several exciting events. One of the highlights of the spring season will be the flower-planting workshops in the districts of Kesklinn, Haabersti, Nõmme, Kristiine, Lasnamäe, and Põhja-Tallinn.
Tallinn is to refresh the red road markings of city centre cycle paths only in the most dangerous road sections, while physical separations between cycle paths and the road will be installed to make cycling safer.
The City of Tallinn is awarding a total of €110 307 to 19 organisations in the second quarter of the cultural non-profit funding round. In addition, a total of €69 491 in operating grants will be awarded to 60 Song and Dance Festival groups.
With the arrival of spring, this year's season at Tallinn's ice skating rinks are coming to an end, only to start again at the beginning of next winter. By the end of the season, the city's ice rinks will have been visited around 110 000 times.
In the vote on Tallinn's participatory budget, the citizens supported projects that bring greenery, outdoor recreation equipment and amenities to parks and other recreational areas.
A fast catamaran type vessel with a capacity of up to 90 passengers and 20 bicycles will start operating on the Tallinn - Aegna ferry route from 1 May.
The idea-gathering of the first participatory budget in Tallinn was very successful, more than 5 percent of the citizens with the right to vote participated in the referendum to choose between the ideas proposed by Tallinners.