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In Estonian Järgnevatel muuseumipühapäevadel on linnamuuseumi filiaalides vajalik eelregistreerimine . Pealinn, 11. jaanuar 2023 Tallinna kultuurielus...
On December 11, Tallinn Mayor Jevgeni Ossinovski hosted a year-end reception for representatives of foreign embassies and international organizations based in Tallinn. This year, the event took place at the newly opened Kadriorg Park Orangery.
Organized every year at the beginning of autumn, the popular light festival, initially started in Kadrioru Park, has considerably expanded - this year, light installations will be lit both in Kadrioru Park and in many other parks in the City Centre.
On Tallinn Day, May 15, the traditional washing of the city streets will take place, which also marks the finish of this year’s Urban Maintenance Month. The street sweepers will start moving from Pirita road towards the city centre at 8 am.
Tallinn suspended mowing in city parks and green areas at the beginning of June to account for the dry period; however, it is now permitted to partially mow and remove by hand common orache and any other weeds whose spread inhibits the growth of more desirable, diverse green spaces.