Here you can find information about health services in Tallinn. For example, you can see the locations of night pharmacies and get information about...
2023/2024 õppeaastal toimuvad meie lasteaias järgmised huviringid Spordiring SEPPS Info ja registreerimine: Toimumise aeg: Kolmapäev: 16...
During the study period, from Monday to Friday between 08:00 to 16:30 Snelli Stadium is used by City Schools. At other times, the stadium is managed...
The changes will be implemented from 21 October. Citizens had the opportunity to express their views and make proposals from 3-20 September before the...
Events this month at Kopli93. Opening hours, usage guidelines and contact info The Makerspace is located in the courtyard of Kopli 93 community center...