Do you need advice on establishing or developing a business? Are you looking for new ideas and knowledge about what’s happening in the business world...
Solutions in the latest Tallinn University of Technology’s Smart City Challenge range from lighting nanogrids to 3D tree modelling for urban digital twins.
Consultation concerning the availability, accuracy and data sources etc. of the space data in Tallin Spatial Database (TAR). Use this service if you...
IT is everywhere Cluster overview: Estonian ICT cluster is a collaboration platform for enterprises, created to boost the development of new products...
The Top Seven Intelligent Communities were announced at the Building the Broadband Economy summit in New Work, on 20–22 May 2007, and Tallinn was the...
Video: Innovation in Tallinn World-class human capital, unique digital capabilities and a competitive business environment make Estonia a smart, agile...
The City model can be viewed on website City model is a continuously renewed and upgraded three-dimensional digital...