Tallinn honors President Arnold Rüütel with mourning flags
Saturday, January 11, is a national day of mourning to honor President Arnold Rüütel, who passed away on December 31 last year. All Tallinn city institutions will fly the Estonian flag as a mourning flag on this day.
Temporary traffic arrangements due to President Rüütel’s funeral
On Saturday, January 11, the late President Arnold Rüütel, who passed away on December 31, will be laid to rest with a state funeral at the Estonia Theatre. Due to the funeral, temporary traffic restrictions and changes will be in effect in Tallinn on January 10 and 11. Police request drivers to follow traffic signs and instructions from officers.
Tallinn named among the Intelligent Communities
The Top Seven Intelligent Communities were announced at the Building the Broadband Economy summit in New Work, on 20–22 May 2007, and Tallinn was the...
Mayors of Tallinn
The burgomasters, Mayor commanders, Mayors, chairmen of city government, chairmen of executive committee of the City of Tallinn from 1786 to 2019 See...
Geoffery Smith Award 2006
"This is to certify that the European Federation of Conference Towns proudly presents the 2006 GEOFFREY SMITH AWARD to Meeli Jaaksoo for her...
Resume of Kalev Kallo
Date of birth: 06.12.1948 Education: 1970– Tallinna Merekool (Tallinn Nautical School), navigation 1983– Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut (Tallinn...