Tallinn is a city with a lot of biodiversity - insects, birds and animals live right next to us, and it is important to provide suitable habitats for...
There is a lot of biodiversity in the city of Tallinn - alongside us live insects, birds, and various animals, and it is important to provide suitable...
Tallinn suspended mowing in city parks and green areas at the beginning of June to account for the dry period; however, it is now permitted to partially mow and remove by hand common orache and any other weeds whose spread inhibits the growth of more desirable, diverse green spaces.
This summer, the city of Tallinn significantly reduced the mowing of green areas in order to contribute to the development of biodiversity and to reduce the heat island effect in urban space. However, in September-October, all green areas will be mowed, so that during autumn, cleaning up fallen tree leaves will be easier.