Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...
Organisation of patrolling to monitor the execution of rules established for the city and to detect misdemeanours. MOre information is available here...
This year, the City of Tallinn has supported the restoration of privately-owned heritage buildings and architecturally valuable structures with nearly €500,000. Next year’s budget plans to increase this amount by an additional €250,000.
Organization and supervision of the inspection of documents certifying the right to use public transport. If sentenced with misdemeanor with a penalty...
Address: Paldiski mnt 48a, 10614 Tallinn Phone 14410 or +372 661 9860 (available 24/7; the cost of the call depends on your service provider's pricing...
Today, the Tallinn City Government approved the detailed plan for the Krulli Factory Quarter in Põhja-Tallinn. This plan will transform the historic Franz Krulli machine factory complex into a versatile urban area, integrating residential and business spaces while preserving its cultural heritage values.
As we know, the most sustainable building is one that has already been built. Preserving existing buildings and repurposing them is significantly more...