Name certificate ceremony for infants at Tallinn Town Hall
There is a long-standing tradition in Tallinn to hold name certificate ceremonies for newborns. The infant and their family receive a name certificate...
Tallinn Town Hall tours
Ticket i nformatoin . Group visits must be booked in advance:
Tallinn Town Hall
Raekoja plats 1 10146 Tallinn Estonia Telephone (+372) 6 457 900 Website: Tallinn Town Hall
Geoffery Smith Award 2006
"This is to certify that the European Federation of Conference Towns proudly presents the 2006 GEOFFREY SMITH AWARD to Meeli Jaaksoo for her...
Mayors of Tallinn
The burgomasters, Mayor commanders, Mayors, chairmen of city government, chairmen of executive committee of the City of Tallinn from 1786 to 2019 See...
Resume of Kalev Kallo
Date of birth: 06.12.1948 Education: 1970– Tallinna Merekool (Tallinn Nautical School), navigation 1983– Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut (Tallinn...
Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe
Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe Objectives: To consolidate data on significant cemeteries and raise awareness of their importance as a...
European Cities and Regions Networking for New Transport Solutions Objectives: to develop innovative technologies and policies in local transportation...