Location and opening hours
The City Archives are located on Tolli Street, on the northern edge of the Old Town near St. Olaf’s Church (Oleviste kirik) – see the Tallinn digital...
History of Tallinn
Photo: Kaupo Kalda, Tallinn before written sources It is not easy to determine the beginning of Tallinn's history. The location...
Tallinn Town Hall tours
Ticket i nformatoin . Group visits must be booked in advance:
Name certificate ceremony for infants at Tallinn Town Hall
There is a long-standing tradition in Tallinn to hold name certificate ceremonies for newborns. The infant and their family receive a name certificate...
Tallinn Town Hall
Raekoja plats 1 10146 Tallinn Estonia Telephone (+372) 6 457 900 Website: Tallinn Town Hall
International Relations
Tallinn EU Office Rue du Luxembourg 3 B-1000 Bruxelles Belgique Tel 32 2 501 08 37 Fax 32 2 501 08 42 Contact: Hedi Pikk E-mail : hedi.pikk@tallinnlv...
Paid parking areas
The first 15 minutes of parking is free of charge, if the driver is using a parking clock or written notice fixing the starting time – placed visibly...
Parking in the Old Town
In the Old Town, parking is forbidden: During the summer period, from 1 April to 14 November, 12 midnight to 6 AM, Saturdays, in area I and 12...
Kopli kalmistupark (Kopli Cemetery Park)
Kopli Cemetery Park was established in 1774 after the Russian Empress Katherine II and the senate signed the ukase in 1772 prohibiting burying the...