Tallinn increases youth center worker salaries
The Tallinn City Government approved a regulation today to raise the minimum salaries of youth workers in the city’s youth centers and youth work institutions, effective January 1, 2025.
Acknowledgements for the Education Department
Healthy Workplace Winners of the “Healthy Workplace 2010” competition were announced on 25 November 2010. The Tallinn Education Department was...
Tallinna Energiaagentuur
Tallinna Humanitaargümnaasium
Tallinna Humanitaargümnaasium, Contacts, Projects
Mayors of Tallinn
The burgomasters, Mayor commanders, Mayors, chairmen of city government, chairmen of executive committee of the City of Tallinn from 1786 to 2019 See...
History of Tallinn
Explore tourist attractions of Tallinn Old Town Tallinn Before Written Sources It is not easy to determine the beginning of Tallinn history. The...
Tallinn adopts detailed plan for Juhkentali military complex
This week, the Tallinn City Government adopted a detailed plan for the area between Filtri tee and Masina street in Kesklinn. Due to the national defense purpose of the Juhkentali military complex, much of the area will remain closed to the public.
Tallinna Kiisupere Lasteaed
Tallinna 9. lasteaed, Front page, News, Gallery, About us, For parents, Contacts