Ball game courts Ristiku Basic School basketball court Ristiku 69 Contact Ristiku Basic School to inquire about the availability of the court Stroomi...
15-16 October 12:00-20:00 you can vote only in the polling places of the electoral district of your residence. This means that for example, a voter in...
Physical environments play an important role in the development of clusters. They promote the concentration of companies that share similar economic...
Below is an overview of Tallinn’s scenic areas by district. The descriptions of each scenic area include a map of the area showing the borders of the...
During the last two weekends of October, residents of Tallinn can once again give away hazardous waste free of charge. On October 23, hazardous waste are collected in Kesklinn and Lasnamäe, on October 24 in Kristiine and Põhja-Tallin, on October 30 in Pirita and Mustamäe, and on October 31 in Haabersti and Nõmme.
By Tuesday evening, 15,922 voters had cast their votes in Tallinn polling places, which is a little over half of the people who had voted in polling places all over Estonia.
Two tenders were submitted for the Tallinn public procurement to find a designer for the Pollinator Highway linear park on the section between Ristiku Street and Kolde Boulevard.