Waste treatment plants in Tallinn
The waste stations and circular economy center in Tallinn are operated by the Tallinn Circular Economy Center (formerly known as the Tallinn Waste...
Väike-Õismäe terminal Bss: 16, 22, 36, 42, 43, 46,47 During the morning rush hour, there are 33 departures per hour from the terminal (every ~2...
Public sports fields of Nõmme district
Ball game courts Kalda tn basketball court Kalda tn 1a Beach volleyball sand pitch by the pond of Harku bog IloPark basketball court Vabaduse pst 4...
Circular Economy Pilot Project
Tallinn Strategic Management Office, with support from the European Economic Area (EEA) program and the Environmental Investment Centre (KIK), is...
All clean and intact items, clothes, textiles, etc. are accepted for reuse. Items can be taken to reuse centres , public waste bins in urban areas or...
Changes to the routes of Tallinn's public transport lines from 4 March 2024
Changes to the routes of Tallinn's public transport lines on Põhja puiestee, Mere puiestee, and Ahtri Street during construction works from 4.03.2024...
First stage
Changes on Tallinn public transport routes for the period 07.03.2023 to 03.04.2023 Bus routes 9, 11, 31, 46, 55, 67 and 68 will be diverted to the...
Sport to the schools
The "Sport to the schools" project is aimed at 7-8-year-old students who, in addition to school physical education classes, also participate in...