Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...
Consumers have two contracts for the supply of electricity - one with an electricity retailer to buy electricity and one with a network operator to use network services. In an apartment building, residents can either buy electricity under an individual contract, by choosing their own electricity supplier and package, or through the housing association. If the electricity is bought by a housing association, the electricity supplier and package are chosen by a majority vote in the general meeting of the apartment owners.
In May, the Tallinn Waste Centre (Jäätmekeskus) organized two campaigns for the free collection of waste. The hazardous waste and reusable items collection rounds took place on two consecutive weekends, May 11–12 and May 18–19. The large waste free disposal campaign was held from May 6 to 12.
Did the strap of your new bag break or your washing machine stop working a few months after purchase? Are you thinking about starting up your own business, but are not familiar with the comprehensive legal framework? If you need help in situations like this, contact the City Enterprise Services Consumer Protection Department.
Once you’ve decided WHAT to sell, you have to decide WHERE to sell it. When choosing the premises for your shop, consider that they can only be used...