A new wood repair workshop will be built at Paljassaare waste station in Tallinn (Paljassaare põik 5) alongside existing reuse rooms. This initiative follows circular economy principles, making the waste station more environmentally friendly and user-oriented.
In accordance with the Waste Act , the Tallinn Waste Management Plan 2022-2026 and the Tallinn Waste Management Regulations , waste must be collected...
On Monday, 8 May, the city of Tallinn will open a mending workshop (Sõpruse puiestee 255) in cooperation with MTÜ Uuskasutuskeskus and Tallinn Technical University, where city residents can bring both clothing and home textiles to be mended.
Beamline Accelerator, in collaboration with Baltic Innovation Agency and Sparkup Tartu Science Park, launches the new "Energy | Climate" acceleration program for Cleantech startups funded by KIK