It was founded in 1986. Tallinn has been a member since 1998. It was elected to be one of the 12 leading cities in the governing body on November 2017...
Dear Knowledge Society Friends and Partners, Welcome to Tallinn - the city that has been chosen amongst the top 7 intelligent communities of the world...
Welcome to Tallinn’s international sustainability governance peer learning hub! Here we bring together experts and practitioners to exchange knowledge...
Together with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), City of Tallinn hosted a panel discussion titled “Local Perspectives - Cities Leading the Way to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals” at the World Urban Forum on November 7. The discussion focused on the importance of international and national collaboration in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in urban areas. The panel was moderated by Masha Smirnova, Head of Governance at Eurocities, Europe’s largest network of cities.
The City of Tallinn hosted a panel discussion „Local Perspectives - Cities Leading the Way to Achieving the SDGs“ at the 12th World Urban Forum in Cairo.
At the EUROCITIES Annual Conference “The Power of Cities - Transforming Society” held in Leipzig on 5 November, Tallinn was re-elected to the organisation's 12-member board for the second time.