The sauna complex has separate saunas for men and women, hour shower, cafe and a beauty salon that offers professional services. Addional information...
The following districts or day centres of districts organise the catering for people in need: Kesklinn, Põhja-Tallinn, Lasnamäe, Mustamäe, Kristiine...
Sporting facilities: Track and field arena, rock climbing, acrobatics corner. In the Lasnamäe Indoor Athletics Stadium is a full-scale football field...
Educational activities in extra-curricular activity schools are based on curricula approved by the Ministry of Education and Research. Deep learning...
The soup kitchen service is for people who do not have sufficient means to provide food for themselves and their families. The purpose of this service...
People who are struggling due to low or no income are eligible for food aid. There are many options to receive food aid: European Union ESF + food aid...