City Model Home Service City Model The City model can be viewed on website City model is a continuously renewed and upgraded three-dimensional digital...
Publications of the Tallinn City Archives Home Service Publications of the Tallinn City Archives Sales of publications published by the City Archives.
City Council Scholarship Home Service City Council Scholarship The City Council Scholarship (Raestipendium) is aimed at supporting and recognizing successful master's and doctoral students in their research and...
Rental of rooms of the Tallinn City Archives Home Service Rental of rooms of the Tallinn City Archives Rental of rooms (the meeting room, lecture, exhibition room).
Webcast of City Government meetings Home Service Webcast of City Government meetings Organisation of real-time monitoring of City Government meetings via Tallinn's website .
Trademarks and symbols of the city Home Service Trademarks and symbols of the city Tallinn’s trademarks are used on publications, souvenirs, transparents, requisites, posters, in events, city presentations, fairs, media and other...
Tallinn Geoportal Home Service Tallinn Geoportal Tallinn Geoportal collects information on geographic spaces, i.e. public spatial data. The purpose of Geoportal is to give its users an overview of...
City beautification Home Service City beautification Organisation of the installation of Christmas and other decorations. Service provision is organized by city districts.
Excursions in the buildings of the Tallinn City Archives Home Service Excursions in the buildings of the Tallinn City Archives Organisation of excursions to introduce the buildings and collections of the City Archives. The City archive's permanent exhibition of rarities...