Rental of premises belonging to city districts
Renting of premises and outdoor areas managed by the districts of Kesklinna, Nõmme, Pirita, Põhja Tallinn. You can find out about renting the city's...
Newspapers of city districts
Reporting of local topical issues and news and sale of advertising space and publication of ordered advertisements in a city district newspaper...
Family therapy
The NPO Kesklinna Perenõustamiskeskus and Tallinn Family Centre offer free family therapy to residents of Tallinn. You can come alone or with family...
Ambient air protection
Tallinn Environmental Department organises random measurements to monitor the level of ambient air pollution. There are three monitoring stations for...
Price list for water supply and sewerage
Notification of water supply and sewerage prices. The following companies offer the service in Tallinn: Tallinna Vesi, AS Esmar Ehitus, Tehnovõrkude...
Servicesand support for Chernobyl participants
Chernobyl veterans living in Tallinn can benefit from three services per calendar year at the city's expense: rehabilitation treatment up to 250 euros...
Tallinn English College Sports Hall
Inglise Kolledži Spordihoone on Tallinna Spordi- ja Noorsooameti allasutuse Tallinna Spordihall filiaal. Sportimisvõimalused: Ujula - nelja rajaga 25...
Hobby classes at schools
Participation in the Tallinn municipal schools hobby classes. Attending such classes may be free or pay. More information
Vabaduse Square parking and business premises management
Infoprmation about Vabaduse square parking and business premises management on AS Tallinna Tööstusparkide website