Primary and basic schools
A parent can pick any school in Tallinn for his/her child in 2nd-9th grade if there are free places (find a suitable school from the map ). In case of...
Legal counselling
The City of Tallinn's partners offer legal assistance free of charge. ContractOK OÜ In 2025, the City of Tallinn will offer free legal counselling on...
Parking permit for an electric car
In the City Centre, parking is free for electric cars. Electric cars are powered fully by an electric motor and are marked with a specific entry in...
Kindergarten place
Kindergarten groups shall be formed between 1 May and 15 August ; however, if there are free spots, children can join the children’s institution all...
Public transport concessions
Information about persons with the right for free travel and prices of tickets with travel fare concession.
Portal for events and recreational activities
The organisers of events and/or extracurricular activities can introduce their events for free at – Tallinn’s portal for events and...
Hobby classes at schools
Participation in the Tallinn municipal schools hobby classes. Attending such classes may be free or pay. More information
Residence certification
The electronic communication should be used instead of direct contact in population register proceedings. An extract from the population register is...
Detailed plan initiation
A detailed plan is the basis for land use and construction activities in the near future. It determines the boundaries of the plot, intended purposes...