Permit for the temporary closure of a street
In order to close off a publicly used street, parking lot or green area either partly or completely, you need to submit a formal application at the...
Benefit for non-profit making activities in the field of sports
Tallinn supports sporting events and athletes in Tallinn through various open calls. The objectives of the grants for non-profit activities are based...
Price list for water supply and sewerage
Notification of water supply and sewerage prices. The following companies offer the service in Tallinn: Tallinna Vesi, AS Esmar Ehitus, Tehnovõrkude...
Servicesand support for Chernobyl participants
Chernobyl veterans living in Tallinn can benefit from three services per calendar year at the city's expense: rehabilitation treatment up to 250 euros...
Tallinn English College Sports Hall
Inglise Kolledži Spordihoone on Tallinna Spordi- ja Noorsooameti allasutuse Tallinna Spordihall filiaal. Sportimisvõimalused: Ujula - nelja rajaga 25...
Hobby classes at schools
Participation in the Tallinn municipal schools hobby classes. Attending such classes may be free or pay. More information
Vabaduse Square parking and business premises management
Infoprmation about Vabaduse square parking and business premises management on AS Tallinna Tööstusparkide website
Public transport service with buses, trams and trollybuses
Contact data of Tallinna Linnatranspordi AS (bus, tram and trolleybus), MRP Linna Liinid OÜ (bus – lines 2, 12, 13, 20, 20A, 39, 49, 57, 59, 65).
Parent and child shelter
The parent and child shelter is meant for parents above all for mothers and children who have experienced physical, mental, or sexual violence or who...