The Tallinn City Government has submitted a draft regulation to the City Council, proposing a reduction in municipal kindergarten fees starting from April 1, 2025.
During the last two weekends of October, residents of Tallinn can once again give away hazardous waste free of charge. On October 23, hazardous waste are collected in Kesklinn and Lasnamäe, on October 24 in Kristiine and Põhja-Tallin, on October 30 in Pirita and Mustamäe, and on October 31 in Haabersti and Nõmme.
The second day of the Tallinn Day program, 14 May, will be dedicated to the city districts, which will organize several exciting events. One of the highlights of the spring season will be the flower-planting workshops in the districts of Kesklinn, Haabersti, Nõmme, Kristiine, Lasnamäe, and Põhja-Tallinn.
This weekend, 21-22 May, residents of Haabersti, Mustamäe, Nõmme and Pirita will be able to dispose of both hazardous waste and reusable items at a collection stop near their homes.
For the upcoming year, Tallinn's budget allocates nearly 396 million euros for educational operations, representing almost 41% of the total operating costs. The primary focuses include the transition to Estonian-language education, increased investment, and raising the minimum wage for teachers.
The City of Tallinn, as part of its 2020-2030 education strategy, aims to modernize the entire network of schools and kindergartens by 2030. This year, the city is investing over 38 million euros in the renovation of kindergartens.
The City of Tallinn is organizing an architectural competition to find a comprehensive solution for a new kindergarten planned for the Manufaktuuri quarter in Põhja-Tallinn, drawing from modern educational environment principles while fitting well into the historical context of the area. Submissions for the competition are accepted until June 27, 2024.
Today, on 21 February, the new building of Tallinn Rõõmupesa kindergarten (A. H. Tammsaare tee 141) was officially opened in Mustamäe district. The building, which has ten classrooms, can accommodate up to 240 children. The nursery has recreation classes, a gym, a hall and a study room.
Over the past two years, a comprehensive environmental education program has been conducted in Tallinn’s kindergartens and schools, teaching children to reduce waste and reuse items. The program involved 125 kindergartens and 55 schools, and activities were also held at public events, engaging approximately 31,300 children in total.