The application period for grants is open. The objective of the digital solutions grant for small enterprises is to make it easier for Tallinn-based...
From February 24 to March 2, children and young people in Tallinn will have a variety of opportunities to engage in activities related to science, technology, arts, and nature during the school holiday.
Consultation concerning the availability, accuracy and data sources etc. of the space data in Tallin Spatial Database (TAR). Use this service if you...
On March 9, 81 years will have passed since the Soviet Air Force's air raid on Tallinn. In October, the Tallinn City Council declared this anniversary a city-wide day of remembrance.
The City model can be viewed on website City model is a continuously renewed and upgraded three-dimensional digital...
A new wood repair workshop will be built at Paljassaare waste station in Tallinn (Paljassaare põik 5) alongside existing reuse rooms. This initiative follows circular economy principles, making the waste station more environmentally friendly and user-oriented.
The Tallinn Property Department will remove Soviet Union symbols from the Nõmme District Government building located at Valdeku 13, which was constructed in the 1950s.