Compromises of a 25 m 6-lane swimming pool, children's pool (depth 0,6m) and a jacuzzi, fitness center, aerobics room. Additional services : solarium...
The parent and child shelter is meant for parents above all for mothers and children who have experienced physical, mental, or sexual violence or who...
The soup kitchen service is for people who do not have sufficient means to provide food for themselves and their families. The purpose of this service...
Renting of premises and outdoor areas managed by the districts of Kesklinna, Nõmme, Pirita, Põhja Tallinn. You can find out about renting the city's...
Skating on public skating rinks. Skate rental at the skating rink in Harju street (location on the map ), at the skating rink of Pirita Sports Centre...
The following districts or day centres of districts organise the catering for people in need: Kesklinn, Põhja-Tallinn, Lasnamäe, Mustamäe, Kristiine...