Benefit for non-profit making activities in the field of sports
Tallinn supports sporting events and athletes in Tallinn through various open calls. The objectives of the grants for non-profit activities are based...
Applying for a compost bin
NO MORE APPLICATIONS FOR BIO-WASTE HOME COMPOSTERS CAN BE SUBMITTED. 700 applications have been received and there are no more composters. According...
Bicycle support
The grant aims to promote cyclist driving licenses among children aged 10 to 15, raise children's awareness of safe driving and shape safe driving...
Pension supplement payment
The pension supplement (also known as the birthday allowance) is a universal benefit paid once a year, the month prior to the recipient's birth month...
Applying for a bio-waste container
Please note! The 80-litre bio-waste containers are no longer available. Applications can only be made for 140-litre containers. According to the Waste...
Food aid
People who are struggling due to low or no income are eligible for food aid. There are many options to receive food aid: European Union ESF + food aid...
Price list for water supply and sewerage
Notification of water supply and sewerage prices. The following companies offer the service in Tallinn: Tallinna Vesi, AS Esmar Ehitus, Tehnovõrkude...