Paul Keres Chess House Home Service Paul Keres Chess House Checkers, chess, and renju. More technical information Eesti spordiregistris .
Parental skills development Home Service Parental skills development Raising children is a meaningful and rewarding thing to do, but it is also often a difficult challenge. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! No one is...
Tallinn English College Sports Hall Home Service Tallinn English College Sports Hall Inglise Kolledži Spordihoone on Tallinna Spordi- ja Noorsooameti allasutuse Tallinna Spordihall filiaal. Sportimisvõimalused: Ujula - nelja rajaga 25...
Personal assistant Home Service Personal assistant A personal assistant can help people with their everyday activities such as moving around, eating, cooking, getting dressed, hygiene procedures...
Substitute home and foster family Home Service Substitute home and foster family The purpose of substitute care is to ensure the long- or short-term well-being and rights of a child, to provide the child with family-like living...