Väino Olev, ICT Director , Vaino.Olev@tallinnlv.ee or Phone +372 640 4322 Helen Kovask, International Relations Officer, Helen.Kovask@tallinnlv.ee Or...
Main contact of the Communication Department: kommunikatsioon@tallinnlv.ee Karin Veskimäe, Head of Communication 5886 0444, karin.veskimae@tallinnlv...
Service hall 1 Tallinn Centre District Administration Nunne street 18 15058 Tallinn Phone: 645 7200 E-mail: kesklinn@tallinnlv.ee Web Page - tallinn...
Government of Tallinn corporate telephone directory (Find city officials by name or through administration structure) City Office service bureau - 640...
Juhkentali 12 10132 Tallinn Phone: 640 4585 E-mail: kultuursport@tallinnlv.ee Sports portal: /sport Head of the department: Hillar Sein Office hours...