There is a long-standing tradition in Tallinn to hold name certificate ceremonies for newborns. The infant and their family receive a name certificate...
Vital statistics certificates : if a certificate (marriage, birth, divorce, death or name change) has gone missing or you need it for submission in a...
This page covers the services and benefits related to childbirth provided by the City of Tallinn. Maternity package : when a child is born, the City...
The name of the green area between Liikuri and Arbu Street comes from the fact that the wind never stops blowing there. The artificial hills that have...
On this website, you can find all the necessary information about the contraction of marriage and the related services offered by the City of Tallinn...
Huge changes have taken place in all spheres of life in Tallinn during the last decade. These are mainly the trends that have established a favourable...
Information about services provided by the Tallinn City authorities. Tallinn helpline 14410 Tallinn City Office Service Bureau Vabaduse väljak 7, 1st...
Municipal housing is provided: to citizens in need of social assistance, whose need for assistance has been previously assessed by the city district...