About us Home About us Tallinn Circular Economy Center is a municipal institution that manages waste stations and develops modern circularity centres in Tallinn. "Tallinn...
Services of Lasnamäe District Home Services of Lasnamäe District Services and allowances provided by Lasnamäe District Administration Most popular areas: Social welfare Family and population Most popular services...
Lasnamäe District Administration Home Lasnamäe District Administration Address Pallasti tn 54, 11413 Tallinn Phone +372 645 7700, +372 645 7718 Email lasnamae@tallinnlv.ee Registry code 7501 6013 District Elder Lasnamäe...
Public transport network changes in Lasnamäe Home Changes in the city districts Public transport network changes in Lasnamäe The changes will be implemented from 21 October. Citizens had the opportunity to express their views and make proposals from 3-20 September before the...
Public sports fields of Lasnamäe district Home Public sports fields of Lasnamäe district Ball game courts Pae Park basketball court Paepargi 29 A 14x22-metre basketball court with an asphalt surface and a fence around it. 5-a-side...
Districts of Tallinn Home Districts of Tallinn District websites: Haabersti Kesklinn Kristiine Lasnamäe Mustamäe Nõmme Pirita Põhja-Tallinn
Sports halls Home Sports facilities Sports halls Ball games Õismäe Sportmängude Hall - basketball, volleyball, indoor hockey, indoor soccer Kalevi Spordihall -basketball, volleyball, gymnastics...
Sports Centres and Halls Home Sports Centres and Halls Here you can find city-managed sports centres and halls categorised by sport. Clicking on a sports hall will take you to its website, where you can...