Kose Stadium / Kose Park
The park is located at 55 b Puhkekodu Road in Kose district and is 2,7 ha large. The park is equipped with walking paths of asphalt surfacing and...
Public sports fields of Pirita district
Ball game courts Tamme tn 31 ball courts Tamme 31 Asphalt basketball court (1 backboard) Volleyball court (sand) Football field (grass) Ice rink...
Reidi tee
Latest news: Reidi tee brings new bus line number 66 (26 November 2019) Traffic changes due to construction of Reidi tee (9 September 2019) Kõlvart...
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department
Address Mündi 2, 15197 Tallinn Phone +372 645 7191 E-mail Registry code 75014913 Head of Department, Jaan Tarmak Tallinn’s...
Debt counselling
Professional debt counselling is provided by Tallinn Social Work Center, administrated by Tallinn's Social and Health Care Administration, at the...
Collection route for hazardous waste and reusable items
For two consecutive weekends (14–15 May and 21–22 May), the residents of Tallinn once again have a convenient opportunity to dispose of hazardous...
Lillepi Park
The park is located between Pirita, Saare, Kose and Rummu Roads and originates not from a summer mansion but the Lulepa farm which belonged to Peeter...