Public sports fields of Põhja-Tallinn district Home Public sports fields of Põhja-Tallinn district Ball game courts Ristiku Basic School basketball court Ristiku 69 Contact Ristiku Basic School to inquire about the availability of the court Stroomi...
Land tax from January 1, 2025 Home Services Housing and real estate Land tax from January 1, 2025 Land tax is an Estonian state tax that is paid in full to the budget of a local authority. Land tax is imposed on all land in Estonia, except land...
Cycle track establishment Home Service Cycle track establishment Determining of the locations of cycle tracks and finding constructors. Bicycle Roads Web map can be found here.
Benefit for non-profit making activities in the districts Home Service Benefit for non-profit making activities in the districts Benefit for non-profit making activities granted from the districts for educational, cultural, youth and sports projects (social projects, projects...
Tallinna Ettevõtlusameti osalemine Euroopa Liidu projektides. Läbiviidud projektid Home International Cooperation International projects Tallinna Ettevõtlusameti osalemine Euroopa Liidu projektides. Läbiviidud projektid Läbiviidud projektid Projekti nimi: Cross-innovation - Promoting Cross-Innovation in European Cities and Regions Programm: INTERREG IVC Partnerid...
Ongoing projects Home International Cooperation International projects Ongoing projects Project name: SMART-UP BSR - Improving smart specialisation implementation of the Baltic Sea Region through orchestrating innovation hubs Programme...