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Detailed plan for Soodi Street 6 approved

Today, the Tallinn City Government approved the detailed plan for Soodi Street 6 in Haabersti, allowing for the construction of up to three apartment buildings with commercial spaces, with a maximum height of five floors. This planning is among the last steps in developing the residential area bordering Stroomi beach, for which the city plans to construct a new kindergarten to ensure local services.

Landscaping solution for Ristiku Street to be introduced to residents

The City of Tallinn is planning the reconstruction of Ristiku and Härjapea streets to transform the existing street space into a modern, greener, and more inclusive urban area. A public presentation of the landscaping solution for Ristiku Street will take place on Thursday, February 29, at 5:30 p.m. at Pelgulinna Gümnaasium (Mulla 7).

The Tall Ships Races invite organizations related to the sea, environment, or safety onboard

The City of Tallinn is set to host the 2024 Tall Ships Races, an event that will attract tens of thousands of sea enthusiasts from Estonia and abroad to the city's three harbors: Seaplane Harbor, Noblessner Marina, and Old City Harbor. Organizations involved in maritime, environmental, or nature conservation efforts are encouraged to participate in the largest maritime festival at the Old City Harbor cruise area to share their knowledge with others.

Outdated directional signs from streets to be removed

The city plans to gradually reduce street clutter by removing outdated and unnecessary directional signs, focusing instead on keeping only essential public institution or destination markers, while signs pointing to business locations will be phased out.

Republic of Estonia anniversary parade reroutes public transport

Due to the celebration of the Republic of Estonia's 106th anniversary and the Estonian Defense Forces parade rehearsal at Vabaduse väljak, public transportation routes in Tallinn city centre will undergo changes on the evening of Friday, February 23, starting at 6:30 PM and on Saturday, February 24, from 8 AM to 5 PM.

Tallinn offers free legal advice consultations

This year, Tallinn is providing residents with free legal advice during 17 consultation days scheduled across all districts. In February, consultation days are on the 22nd, from 2 pm to 6 pm at the Nõmme District Government and on the 29th, from 9 am to 2 pm at the Haabersti District Government.